Saint-Avertin, France

Current Weather Conditions

14/01/25 21:45:00

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 0.8°C
Wind Chill 0.8°C
Heat Index 0.8°C
Dew Point -4.1°C
Outside Humidity 70%
Barometer 1033.6 mbar
Barometer Change Rate (3 hours) 0.6 mbar
Wind 0.0 m/s from N/A (N/A)
Rain Rate 0.0 mm/h
Inside Temperature 20.0°C


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
10.4°C at 15:20:19
-2.7°C at 08:30:00
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
8.8°C at 15:20:19
-18.9°C at 01:16:53
High Humidity
Low Humidity
76% at 10:34:47
50% at 15:38:10
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
1.0°C at 13:46:05
-6.9°C at 07:21:55
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1035.1 mbar at 00:00:11
1031.8 mbar at 15:10:34
Today's Rain 0.0 mm
High Rain Rate 0.0 mm/h at 00:00:11
High Wind 1.6 m/s from 045° at 16:52:43
Average Wind 0.0 m/s
RMS Wind 0.0 m/s
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
0.0 m/s
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
22.2°C at 14:55:00
18.8°C at 04:25:00


About this weather station:
Latitude: 47° 12.84' N
Longitude: 000° 26.59' E
Altitude: 94 meters

This station uses a LaCrosse WS-2355, controlled by 'WeeWX', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.

RSS feed

Smartphone formatted

WeeWX uptime: 11 days, 10 hours, 36 minutes
Server uptime: 11 days, 10 hours, 25 minutes
weewx v5.1.0

Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: 08:05:20
Sunrise: 08:40:07
Transit: 13:07:21
Sunset: 17:34:56
End civil twilight: 18:09:44
Azimuth: 284.7°
Altitude: -41.8°
Right ascension: 296.9°
Declination: -21.1°
Equinox: 20/03/25 10:01:14
Solstice: 21/06/25 04:42:18
Rise: 18:01:18
Transit: 01:14:45
Set: 09:30:55
Azimuth: 92.8°
Altitude: 33.3°
Right ascension: 130.5°
Declination: 22.1°
New moon: 29/01/25 13:35:54
Full moon: 12/02/25 14:53:19
Phase: Full
(99% full)
temperatures heatchill outside humidity rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector